Monday, September 1, 2014

Lifelong Healthy Sexuality — You Are a Sexual Man Until You Die

At each age — childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle age, older age— your experiences and learnings provide an ongoing challenge for your sexual health with Canadian viagra. Whether they are helpful or difficult experiences, learn to value these as contributions to being a sexual man. A good number of 50- and 60-year old men will say that they feel more confident, proud, and satisfied with their sexuality as they have gotten older. When you maintain reasonably good physical health, sex has its own positive qualities regard-less of your age. You gain wisdom, understanding, and acceptance that may not be age appropriate to younger men. Appreciate your maleness and your sexuality at every age of your life.
We give special attention to the challenges to sexual health with older age. Adapting to the various sexual health opportunities and challenges at each age is a part of flexible sexual health. For older men, sex is more genuine, more of an intimate, interactive experience. You need each other more than in your 20s. Sex is less predictable and controllable but also more involving and satisfying. You can learn to piggyback your arousal on hers. Focus on intimacy, pleasure, eroticism, and satisfaction. A crucial concept is viewing the woman as your intimate, erotic friend. Valuing Good-Enough Sex comes to fruition in your 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. Men who cling to the rigid, performance-oriented traditional male sex role stop being sexual in their 50s and 60s. Men who adopt the new model of healthy male and couple sexuality continue to enjoy a variable, flexible sexual life into their 80s. You are a sexual man from the day you are born until the day that you die.

The 20s and 30s

Many of the concerns and worries of your teen years probably continued into young adulthood. You may worry about normalcy in a sexual relation-ship, including the frequency that you’re sexual, your lovemaking skills, how to sexually please your partner, the normalcy of your sexual fantasies, and how to handle disappointments with your sexual function (such as premature ejaculation). Many men experience the issue of how to regulate strong and powerful sexual impulses. Questions about sexuality take on a new dimension with fatherhood and parenting. Healthy male sexuality involves acknowledging, at least to yourself, the multiple concerns and worries you may have, consciously resisting the mythic message that men are not supposed to have questions or concerns, and seeking integration of sexuality into your real life.

Your Relapse Prevention and Sexual Growth Plan

Continue to use the concepts, guidelines, and techniques that you are learning from this book and to engage in assessment and change exercises. Maintaining healthy sexual attitudes, behaviors, and feelings is crucial. If you simply consider this book a good read and put it on the shelf, you’ll relapse back to poor sex habits, which will cause frustration for you and even more frustration for your partner.
You owe it to yourself and your relationship to continue to value healthy Viagra in Canada male sexuality, especially maintaining positive, realistic sexual expectations.
  • Following are 10 relapse prevention guidelines. Our suggestion is to choose two to four strategies that are personally relevant to you that will facilitate maintaining healthy male sexuality.
  • Set aside quality couple time and discuss what you need to do individually and as a couple to maintain a satisfying intimate relationship.
  • Plan a sensual pleasuring date or a playful, erotic date every 4 to 8 weeks where you have a prohibition on intercourse. This allows you to experiment with new sensual stimuli (alternative pleasuring position, body lotion, or new setting) or a playful, erotic scenario (being sexual in the shower, a different oral sex position or sequence, one-way rather than mutual sex). This reminds you to value sharing pleasure in addition to intercourse and develop a broad-based, flexible sexual repertoire.
  • Have a formal follow-up meeting every 6 months, either by yourselves or with a therapist to ensure that you remain aware and do not slip back to unhealthy sexual attitudes, behaviors, or feelings.
  • Set realistic individual and couple goals for the next 6 months. Good-Enough Sex has a range from great to disappointing. Five to 15% of sexual experiences are dissatisfying or dysfunctional. That is normal, not a reason to panic or feel like a failure. The single most important technique in relapse prevention is to accept and not overreact to experiences that are unsatisfying or dysfunctional. Maintaining positive, realistic expectations about couple sexuality is a major resource. Take pride in having an accepting and resilient couple sexual style.
  • Accept occasional lapses, but do not allow a lapse to become a relapse. Treat a dysfunctional sexual experience as a normal variation, a mistake to learn from. You are a sexual couple, not a perfectly functioning sexual machine. Whether it is once every 10 times, once a month, or once a year, you will have a lapse (dysfunctional cheap canadian viagra online or dissatisfying sex). You can laugh or shrug off the experience and make a date in the next one to three days when you have the time and energy for an intimate, pleasurable, erotic experience.